The Great Neocities Nyaa-Off
Hello and welcome to the official founding event of the Salty Cats Webring: the Nyaa-Off.
What the fuck?
You heard me.
Okay, what is it?
We're all gonna make a website based off the vibe from 1999 Geocities, Angelfire, Homestead Dot Com stuff. Think Dogpile. Think AOL.
Think whatever this is.

Oh sick.
Yeah but there's rules. Creativity thrives in limitations, after all.
Your site must adhere to the following guidelines.
- You may choose to keep your site secret until launch.
- It has at least two pages.
- There is something just, like, fucking wacky about it. This could be almost anything: maybe it's a shrine to the Bigfoot that lives in your back yard. Maybe it's a digital biopic about an egg sandwich you had once. Maybe it's a collection of scary stories told with public domain .gif files. I'm not your mom.
- It should look like shit on mobile. There aren't any points in this, but you will lose points if you even think about "responsive design."
- Somewhere on the main page (or primary page, if you choose to use a splash page) is the Salty Cats webring linkbacks. (Code will be made available soon.)
- It features, somewhere, anywhere, in any format or edit, one or both of these pictures.
That's stupid.
Yeah but it was my idea so that's what we're doing.
The Nyaa-Off Ending Ceremonies and Mockery Circle will be held on the weekend of April 16, probably. Just have your site done by then.